Pub secures reduced tied rent and discounts

The Pubs Code Adjudicator is responsible for enforcing the statutory Pubs Code. The Pubs Code regulates the relationship between all pub companies owning 500 or more tied pubs in England and Wales and their tied tenants. Tied tenants are those that

Tax Diary August/September 2021

1 August 2021 – Due date for Corporation Tax due for the year ended 31 October 2020.

19 August 2021 – PAYE and NIC deductions due for month ended 5 August 2021. (If you pay your tax electronically the due date is 22 August 2021)

19 August 2021 –

Reforming statutory sick pay

Following its summer 2019 consultation entitled “Health is everyone’s business: proposals for reducing ill health-related job loss”, the government has now published its response which takes into account the impact of the coronavirus

Continuous employment defined

When a new employee is added to the payroll it is the employers’ responsibility to ensure they meet the employees’ rights. One of the issues that must be considered is the employees’ length of continuous employment. Continuous employment is

Who counts as CIS contractor or sub-contractor?

The Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) is a set of special rules that affect tax and National Insurance for those working in the construction industry. Businesses in the construction industry are known as ‘contractors’ and ‘subcontractors’ and will

Turnover defined for 5th SEISS grant

HMRC has published new guidance to help the self-employed calculate their turnover for making a claim under the 5th Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grant. The final date for making a claim for the 5th grant will be 30 September 2021.

Who pays Inheritance Tax?

Inheritance Tax (IHT) is commonly collected on a person’s estate when they die but can also be payable during a person’s lifetime on certain trusts and gifts. The rate of IHT currently payable is 40% on death and 20% on lifetime gifts. IHT is

Tax-free gains on gifts to spouse or charity

In most cases, there is no Capital Gains Tax (CGT) to be paid on the transfer of assets to a spouse or civil partner. There is, however, still a disposal that has taken place for CGT purposes effectively at no gain or loss on the date of the

SEISS – more red tape

Government support to the self-employed through the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) is due to end on 30 September 2021. A fifth and final grant covering the period May 2021 to September 2021 will be opened to claims from late July for

Rent-a-room: letting as office accommodation

The rent-a-room scheme is a set of special rules designed to help homeowners who rent-a-room in their home. The current tax-free threshold of £7,500 per year has been in place since 6 April 2016. Homeowners using this scheme should ensure that rents

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