Temporary trade credit insurance scheme to end

Trade credit insurance is a contract bought by suppliers to make sure they get paid even if their customers default and cannot pay the bills. This gives businesses the confidence to trade with one another.

Early in the pandemic, the government

The 7-year rule

Most gifts made during a person’s lifetime are not subject to Inheritance Tax at the time of the gift. These lifetime transfers are known as ‘potentially exempt transfers’ or ‘PETs’. These gifts or transfers achieve their potential of becoming

Tax when you sell an asset

There are special rules that must be followed when you sell an asset on which capital allowances have been claimed. Capital allowances is the term used to describe the tax relief businesses can claim on certain capital expenditure and thereby reduce

Acas publishes new advice on long COVID

Acas has published new advice for both employers and workers on the treatment of workers who are suffering from the prolonged effects of a COVID-19 infection, now widely known as long COVID.

Acas advice is that employers and workers should discuss

How to claim tax relief on employment expenses

If you are an employee that needs to buy substantial equipment to use as part of your employment you may be able to claim tax relief. In most cases you can claim tax relief on the full cost of this type of equipment. Tax relief is reduced if your

One month left to join VAT Deferral Payment Scheme

Businesses that deferred VAT payments last year have until 21 June 2021 to join the new online payment scheme. This would allow them to spread the cost of repayment over a number of months. The VAT deferral scheme is open to businesses that took the

Check if you can claim working from home expenses

If you are an employee who is working from home, you may be able to claim tax relief for some of the bills you pay that are related to your work.

Note that if an employee is working at home voluntarily, they cannot claim tax relief. However, these

Employment Status Tool

HMRC’s employment status service can be used to help ascertain if a worker should be classified as employed or self-employed for tax purposes in both the private and public sector. The service has recently been updated to reflect off-payroll working

Tax on sale of cryptoassets

Most individuals hold cryptoassets (such as Bitcoin) as a personal investment, usually for capital appreciation in its value or to make purchases.

HMRC is clear that these holdings will usually be subject to Capital Gains Tax (CGT) when:

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