Company trading losses

Corporation Tax relief may be available where a company or organisation makes a trading loss. The loss may be used to claim relief from Corporation Tax by offsetting the loss against other gains or profits of the business in the same or previous

Coding out debts deadline

The coding threshold entitles tax payers to have tax underpayments collected via a tax code, provided they are in employment or in receipt of a UK-based pension. The coding applies to certain debts such as Self-Assessment liabilities, tax credit

Protection for landlords and tenants

The government guidance for landlords and tenants as a result of the coronavirus pandemic has been updated. The Coronavirus Act 2020 provides protection to social and private tenants by delaying when landlords can start proceedings to evict tenants.

New Furlough Scheme guidance published

The detailed Furlough Scheme rules were updated 10 November 2020.

To use the extended scheme – to 31 March 2021 – the steps that are required are:

Check if you can claim
Check which employees you can put on furlough
Steps to take before

UK and London Living Wages increase

The Living Wage Foundation has announced that its UK Living Wage has risen by 20p per hour from £9.30 to £9.50 per hour. Its London Living Wage has risen by 10p per hour from £10.75 to £10.85 per hour. Over 250,000 UK workers will now receive a pay

Shielding guidance for the clinically extremely vulnerable

Shielding for clinically extremely vulnerable people was paused in England on 31 July 2020. However, the government has now updated its guidance on shielding and protecting people who are clinically extremely vulnerable from COVID-19 to cover the

Barter your way through COVID disruption

While we wait for the magic-bullets that promise to reduce the impact of COVID – vaccines etc – should we be exploring ways to exchange goods and services with our suppliers and customers?
Barter is defined as: the exchange of goods and services

Getting the most out of digital data

One of the great benefits of data stored in an electronic format is that it can be sorted in an endless array of reports. This offers business owners who have invested in accounts software a range of options.

Once you have input basic accounts


While politicians and scientists try and figure out the best way to control COVID, we are left to pick up the pieces and try and salvage what we can of our businesses.

Our economy is built on various, level playing field assumptions:

Same legal

Online sales platform

If you sell goods or material that can be sold from the internet, have you considered this form of sales platform for your business?

Providing access for your goods on the internet is a sensible strategy. If we have learnt anything from COVID it is

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